Monday, June 21, 2010

Hmm. Okay another random most probably really stupid thing I've been thinking about for the past...5 mins.

Lets see. I think the main difference between kids and us (other than physical differences) is that, adolescents/adults/whatever don't ever forgive anybody. ( not that easily at least )

Like for example, when you're a kid right and your friend snatches your lego bricks away from you, at the most you would like snatch your lego bricks back, say 'I DON'T FRIEND YOU ANYMORE! *gives angry pouty face.' and start throwing lego bricks at your friend so that you can make him/her cry. (And, I am leaving out the possibility of crying and throwing a tantrum.)
After the whole saga thing where you don't talk to your friend for like maybe a day, the next day you're friends again.

Now lets just change the whole scenario shall we?

Hmm. Lets say your friend says some really weird shit about you behind your back (that everybody's gonna forget in a matter of days) and you found out. Chances are, you're gonna hate/dislike your friend for like maybe the few months/years/forever. But, being superficial, you're prolly gonna pretend to be friends with that person and bitch about them behind their back.


P/S All the examples i give are based on...on random stuff and personal experiences. HAHA. So, its okay if it doesn't make sense.


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