That is what most guys say.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Verona told me that she chanced upon this woman's blog. She has cancer. I know that at this point you're gonna go, 'Oh.' and genuinely feel sad.
Honestly, I still think that she is still in the wrong. K, this may sound mean, (and suffer from retribution in future, but its okay cause i have a fambly history of cancer) but so what if you have cancer? It doesn't mean that it gives you the right to break up someone else's family.
Verona told me that she chanced upon this woman's blog. She has cancer. I know that at this point you're gonna go, 'Oh.' and genuinely feel sad.
But, she is a mistress. She is the third party in a married man's life. That man, has 2 kids. And yes, the mistress, has cancer.
So, the question is, does this make what she does okay? Or rather, less mean.
K, lets say, there is another woman from the other end of the hemisphere, who is perfectly healthy and all. And, she is a mistress. Most people will go like, 'EEW. SLUT.' Or something along those lines.
K, lets say, there is another woman from the other end of the hemisphere, who is perfectly healthy and all. And, she is a mistress. Most people will go like, 'EEW. SLUT.' Or something along those lines.
Therefore, is it less mean for a woman with cancer to be a mistress?
Honestly, I still think that she is still in the wrong. K, this may sound mean, (and suffer from retribution in future, but its okay cause i have a fambly history of cancer) but so what if you have cancer? It doesn't mean that it gives you the right to break up someone else's family.
To me, shes just using cancer to gain sympathy points. Seriously, why would anybody in the right mind tell the whole world that she is a mistress? In Singapore. Plus, according to Verona, she is actually recovering from the cancer. So things aren't actually that bad for her.
In her blog (According to Verona), there was this particular post where this woman wrote that there was once she and the guy had sex and she ask the guy to cum in her (obviously lying that she was on the pill.) so that she can get pregnant and at least give birth before she died.
Thing is, she is recovering.
I have no idea what to say about that. Lets just assume that she loves that guy (who probably doesn't love her), then i can only say that this is just another story to prove that love is blind.
However, there is always another possibility that she is just garnering attention, to feed her unquenchable thirst for it.
However, there is always another possibility that she is just garnering attention, to feed her unquenchable thirst for it.
Now, can i say that most of you will agree with the former? That love is blind, because it is simply too mean to say that she wants attention. Mean because she has cancer?
Another point, she is madly pessimistic. She is recovering, yet she wants to give birth before she supposedly dies. (Which she assumes is kinda early) You could say that maybe she loves that guy so much so that she wants to have her kid. But, she didn't say anything about wanting to give birth FOR the guy. It was more for HERSELF. (At least verona didn't tell me anything about that)
Fine, say that what i say may be inaccurate cause i haven't read her blog. But still, it is still her fault for being the other woman, Whether or not she truly loves the guy.
P.S. I would read her blog, but Verona forgot the URL and i can't seem to find anything on google. But i did come across some depressing things about marriage. D:
It is very depressing. And that, would be an understatement.
P.S.S Imma go pester her for the URL. Cause i'm still thinking about the woman and what she actually wants to say.
P.S.S.S I know the later part of this entry is not convincing. That'd be cause i was trying to google the blog and lost my train of thought.
Monday, March 21, 2011

Hello. I gave up on editing the codes. Lazy. Shall do it when i feel like it. WHICH IS NEVER! NYAHAHA!
I'm having one of those i-have-no-fucking-idea-why-i'm-so-pissed/depressed-but-i-just-am kinda days. It sucks. Ugh.
And, to make things worse, I cannot express myself. DEPRESSED4LYFE.
I like to think that I'm a sunshine girl and that i see the world through, yellow-colour glasses (cause i like yellow. And its a happy colour. LOL). But, that doesn't mean that I'm not allowed to have emo days.
Yes, I like rainbows, yellow, flowers, butterflies, colourful shit in general but that doesn't mean that i have to happy all year round. Like, there will always be both sunny and rainy days.
Yes, I like rainbows, yellow, flowers, butterflies, colourful shit in general but that doesn't mean that i have to happy all year round. Like, there will always be both sunny and rainy days.
K i have no idea what im saying. LOL
So i shall stop here.
So i shall stop here.